CAUGHT ON CAMERA: Mother in Ashford fends off raccoon that attacked her daughter

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In Ashford, CT, a raccoon bit a child, prompting a mother to intervene and protect her daughter.

The incident, which occurred on Fitts Road, was captured on surveillance footage.

Video provided by the family shows the raccoon attacking the girl.

The attack took place early in the morning, as 5-year-old Rylee MacNamara was heading to the bus stop.

Rylee’s mother, Logan, managed to remove the raccoon after it clung onto her daughter’s leg.

Logan yelled for help, expressing concern that the raccoon might be rabid.

Fortunately, both Rylee and Logan received medical attention for their injuries and received rabies shots.

Neighbors were not surprised by the incident, citing the presence of wild animals in the area.

Animal control officers searched for the raccoon in the woods but were unable to locate it.

The MacNamara family plans to set traps around their home to prevent further encounters.

Rylee and Logan will continue to receive shots as a precaution.

The family has decided to supervise their children more closely while playing outside.

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