Fulton County, Georgia, jail leadership resigns after inmate’s death and accusations of unsanitary conditions | CNN

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**Fulton County, Georgia, jail leadership steps down following inmate’s death and allegations of unsanitary conditions**

Three officials from the Fulton County, Georgia, jail have resigned amidst an investigation into the death of an inmate who was reportedly housed in a squalid, bug-infested cell. The inmate’s family described the conditions as deplorable, prompting the jail’s chief jailer and two assistant chief jailers to submit their resignations at the sheriff’s request during a recent executive staff meeting.

Sheriff Patrick “Pat” Labat emphasized the need for significant changes at the facility, stating that it was overdue for a complete overhaul. The resignations occur as the family of Lashawn Thompson calls for a criminal inquiry into his passing in September 2022 while detained at the Atlanta jail. They are also advocating for the construction of a new facility.

Thompson’s family attributed his death to the unhygienic environment in the jail and complications from insect bites. The county medical examiner listed the cause of death as ‘undetermined,’ prompting a thorough investigation into the circumstances surrounding Thompson’s demise. Due to health privacy regulations, details of Thompson’s health status at the time of his arrest were not disclosed.

Labat initiated the officials’ resignations after reviewing initial evidence collected during an internal probe. In a statement, Labat acknowledged the wealth of experience within the outgoing executive team while also highlighting the dangers of complacency and settling for mediocrity.

The sheriff’s office is exploring options to change medical providers with the aim of ensuring consistent and compassionate care. Immediate measures have been taken to address the infestation of bed bugs and lice in the jail, along with the transfer of over 600 inmates to other counties to alleviate overcrowding. ContentView Image

Thompson had been detained in the psychiatric wing of the jail for about three months before his death. He was being held on a misdemeanor assault charge due to his mental health struggles. Friends and family described Thompson as a music enthusiast who loved cooking and had ties to both Winter Haven, Florida, and Atlanta.

Thompson’s brother expressed heartbreak upon seeing images of his sibling’s body and the conditions of his cell, drawing parallels to the tragic case of Emmett Till. Investigations by the Office of Professional Standards and the Atlanta Police Department are ongoing, with plans to hand over the full investigative report to the Georgia Bureau of Investigations upon completion.

While no report can ease the family’s pain, Labat hopes it will provide them with the answers they seek and the transparency they deserve regarding Thompson’s untimely death.
[Source link](https://www.cnn.com/2023/04/18/us/fulton-county-jail-leadership-resignations-lashawn-thompson-death/index.html)

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