If you want to add your event to the Gazette’s community calendar, here’s how you can do it easily. Just click on the “Create an event” button below. You will be asked to register with Evvnt, our calendar partner if this is your first time submitting an event. You can submit your event 24/7 on our website. Events submitted online may also appear in our monthly Community Calendar in print. For inclusion in the printed edition, online submissions must be made on the Gazette website by the 20th of the month.
To feature in the Sonoma County Gazette Community Calendar print edition, events must meet these criteria:
• Ticket price of $30 or lower (unless it’s a community benefit event)
• Held in Sonoma County
• Free from any promotion of hate speech or hate rhetoric
If you would like to advertise your event through display advertising in print or online, please get in touch with our account executive at advertise@sonomacountygazette.com.