Neuroelectrics: Using Electricity to Reduce Seizures in Epilepsy Patients

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Inside Neuroelectrics, the brain science start-up hoping to curb epilepsy and depression
Neuroelectrics, a brain science start-up in Barcelona, is aiming to help people with brain diseases using innovative therapies.

The company produces approximately 400 devices annually, shipping them to 75 countries worldwide.

Their primary product, a headcap, monitors brain activity and applies mild electrical currents to stimulate specific brain regions.

Ana Maiques, the co-founder and CEO, believes this technology can greatly benefit epilepsy patients.

Neuroelectrics is focused on providing a noninvasive solution to reduce seizures for the 60 million epilepsy patients worldwide, especially for those who do not respond well to medication.

A study involving 17 patients, approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, showed a median seizure reduction of 41%. The company is working towards FDA approval by September 2025.

Apart from epilepsy, Neuroelectrics sees potential in using the headgear for treating depression and Alzheimer’s. The device reads brain electrical activity and delivers targeted stimulation to specific electrically active areas.

Roser Sanchez-Todo, the director of R&D for Neuroelectrics’ brain modeling department, explained how their technology can pinpoint and aid areas affected by conditions like epilepsy.


Before utilizing the technology, patients receive a personalized digital brain model called a NeuroTwin.

Maiques discussed the significance of leveraging AI and machine learning to simulate brain responses to treatments, similar to how flight pilots train in flight simulators.

The ultimate goal is for patients to use the headcap at home. Treatment involves ten 20-minute daily sessions over eight weeks for optimal results in epilepsy patients.

Sanchez-Todo outlined the ease of using the device at home, emphasizing the simplicity of the process and the relaxation period during stimulation.

“After the session, you just clean the device and repeat the routine the next day for efficient results,”

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